Help with Legal Fees


During the Association’s October 2nd open session meeting, the board of directors allowed presenters on both sides of the issue to discuss the merits of their position. The overall tone of the meeting was the board had already made its decision to move forward with the permanent conversion of tennis courts into pickleball courts at the Preserve. At our presentation, we informed the board that they would be receiving a letter from our attorneys discussing the issues that concerned us and what we would like to see happen next. The aforementioned letter was sent and we are waiting for the board of directors (or their attorney) to respond.

As you may very well know, all of this costs money.  We are asking for a donation to help cover legal costs.  Any contribution is appreciated but something between $100 and $1,000 would help us create a realistic legal expense fund.  If we do not use all the money we collect through contributions, we will return any unused funds pro-rata.  The donations will be deposited into our attorneys’ trust account to be used for the legal fees and costs incurred during our representation (a monthly invoice detailing the use of the funds will be provided by the attorneys).

If you are still interested in donating, please write us a note indicating you are contributing to the fund and the amount you are contributing, make the check payable to Dessaules Law Group (DLG) and place a note on the check for Saddlebrooke Pickleball.  Mail or bring the check to 35689 S. Borago Ct. in the Preserve; there will be a small metal box at the front door if there is no answer at the door.

Any suggestions, questions, or concerns you may have for our attorneys must come through us ( and we will address it with them. Please do not contact DLG directly as it will increase the costs and create confusion as to the direction of our case.

Our objective is to present the board with the factors they have not taken into consideration when proposing the conversion of the tennis courts to pickleball courts; their exposure to legal liability; and our proposed solutions to make a decision that benefits all homeowners at the Preserve and HOA2.

We want to help eliminate or at least reduce the current conflict between those who want Preserve pickleball and those of us who do not.  It is certainly possible that a lawsuit may be filed if the Association decides to continue on its current path. If we do end up filing a lawsuit, it is important to understand that there is no guarantee that any side will prevail and recover any attorneys’ fees and costs.

The position of SAC as stated in the zoom meeting and confirmed by Mr. Robson is to keep Preserve Courts for tennis.  However, we cannot guarantee the outcome of legal proceedings in this regard.