Copy of the BoD Resolution re: Pickleball Courts in the Preserve

Below is a copy of the the board resolution regarding the Preserve tennis courts that are currently being used as 4 pickleball courts. If you recall, the original proposal was to convert two of the Preserve tennis courts into 8 permanent pickleball courts. As you can read below, the board has, at least for now, changed its position:

As of the posting of this resolution, the board has not published this where owners can read it for themselves. The copy above was a screen shot from the Zoom meeting.

2 thoughts on “Copy of the BoD Resolution re: Pickleball Courts in the Preserve

  1. Lani


    I really appreciate all you and others did to try and resolve this problem that was thrown at the Preserve residents. So many of us was calling the Robson Corp office as well as our attorneys.

    There are no words to discribe the diguest I have with this board and the few picklbeball people who created such a disturbance during such a diffucult time. Bullies and the lack of concern or consideration for others by a few who live in this development should be ashamed for what they put their fellow neighbors through. I don’t trust that we will ever have the tennis courts back BUT THE PICKLEBALL CLUB SHOULD PUT THE BOARD BACK ON THE ONLY REMAINING COURT WE HAVE.

    Have a nice day,


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