Something You Should Know!

In 2020 HOA2 conducted a survey of Saddlebrooke 2 homeowners to determine why they purchased here and what would make them leave. Below are the results of that survey.

The results of the above study was only just released last month. The top 5 reasons why people purchased a home in Saddlebrooke 2 were:

  1. Weather
  2. Scenic Views
  3. Overall Community Appearance
  4. Golf Courses
  5. Sports and Fitness Facilities

They also asked what would be your reason to leave Saddlebrooke 2. The top 5 reasons were:

  1. Health
  2. Dues
  3. Overall Community Appearance
  4. House and Lot Design
  5. Family

Each of these surveys had 25 reasons to choose from. What you won’t find in the survey is that pickleball is a primary reason for either buying here or selling. In fact pickleball is ranked #18 as the reason to buy in Saddlebrooke 2 and #21 as a reason to leave Saddlebrooke 2.

Despite the low ranking of pickleball, those in favor of converting 2 Preserve tennis courts into pickleball courts, continually insist that most people want pickleball here to maintain their home’s value. But that just is not the case.

The majority of buyers and potential sellers are not affected because a community has too few or too many pickleball courts. At least for the current homeowners in Saddlebrooke 2.

Amenities whether it be golf, tennis or swimming belong to all Saddlebrooke 2 residents. The Preserve is part of Saddlebrooke 2 and the amenities at the Preserve belong to all of us.

The Board’s first attempt to convert the courts was camouflaged by a request to have a 2 tennis courts temporarily converted into 4 pickleball courts. And the reason for that change, because the Ranch had cancelled our ability to use their courts due to the Coronavirus. Before making the change, did the Board consult with anyone, especially the homeowners, before they implemented the change. They did not.

And then out of the clear blue, we are informed the board is considering permanently changing the 2 Preserve tennis courts into 8 pickleball courts for use by SPA.

It was at that point that a number of Preserve owners started to question the reasons why this is really happening. Don’t forget, SPA had already negotiated with the board to build 8 new courts at Ridgeview giving them a total of 14 courts. But as it turns out, Ridgeview wasn’t happening fast enough. They wanted to insure that come November there would be at least 8 additional courts for SPA members to use. And we have copies of emails supporting that position.

But let’s fast forward to now. As of now, the Ranch has reinstated our ability to use 6 of their pickleball courts. So the initial reason for the “temporary” use at the Preserve is not longer an issue. So why are they still pushing to make 8 permanent courts at the Preserve.

Once again, it is because Ridgeview is not moving fast enough. Robson has been working with the board and SPA to have things finalized. And as we understand it as of now everything is dependent on the board and SPA to get the final permits issued and the courts built.

Residents for other uses like walking trails, fitness centers are concerned about funding allocations. The survey of residents shows numerous other uses at the top of the lists. What about them? Everyone waits for treadmills, swimming lanes, and to reserve meeting rooms.

  • There are approximately 380 Pickleball players in HOA2. 
  •  HOA2 has 300+ tennis club members (plus uncounted casual players). (Don’t forget you can play on a tennis court by just requesting a play time and you don’t have to be a member of the tennis club. That is not true for pickleball.)

If you go through the numbers and figure out how many players there are per court, you will find that the number is almost identical for tennis and pickleball (once Ridgeview is complete). These computations are based on the assumption that only Saddlebrooke 2 residents use the courts we have. And we say that because at this point the reciprocal agreement between HOA1 and HOA2 is up for renewal and it is impossible to know what the outcome will be.

Remember, SPA is comprised 2/3 HOA2 and 1/3 HOA1 but HOA1 has never provided any funding for pickleball.

Pickleball is a fun and great sport. But all of Saddlebrooke amenities are equally important.

2 thoughts on “Something You Should Know!

  1. Hank Greenleaf

    I suspect pickleball is viewed as one of our attractive “sports and fitness facilities,” the number five reasons for picking an active retirement community. The argument against Preserve pickleball which resonates most is the noise intrusion, as opposed to suggesting pickleball isn’t desirable among your neighbors.


    1. We agree. Pickleball is an important amenity. Some affected homeowners are Pickleball players. We are attempting to provide perspective and address the justification for emergency and then permanent change of use. The homeowners were told that Pickleball’s importance is greater than the impact to homeowners in the area. Noise intrusions and PB supersedes the loss of equity or use of outdoor spaces for nearby homes. Other solutions are available and we support Pickleball as part of the community. The overriding problem is that Saddlebrooke was not originally designed to accommodate pickleball.


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